Release the KRAKEN.

CorporationRelease the KRAKEN.Security status0
AllianceAvg. time in corporation11 months, 5 days, 12 hours and 35 minutes
Date of birth 2013-02-03 00:06:09Id92947808

Employment history

Release the KRAKEN.Release the KRAKEN.2014-12-04 08:462025-03-05 19:4210 years, 3 months, 1 day, 10 hours and 56 minutes
Deep Core Mining Inc.Deep Core Mining Inc.2014-12-03 21:362014-12-04 08:4611 hours and 10 minutes
Serenity PrimeSerenity Prime2014-07-14 10:072014-12-03 21:364 months, 19 days, 11 hours and 29 minutes
Deep Core Mining Inc.Deep Core Mining Inc.2014-06-13 10:502014-07-14 10:071 month, 23 hours and 17 minutes
Didn'twantthatscimianywayDidn'twantthatscimianyway2014-04-07 21:542014-06-13 10:502 months, 5 days, 12 hours and 56 minutes
Serenity PrimeSerenity Prime2013-06-21 00:572014-04-07 21:549 months, 17 days, 20 hours and 57 minutes
Release.the KRAKENRelease.the KRAKEN2013-06-20 23:572013-06-21 00:571 hour
Serenity PrimeSerenity Prime2013-04-15 15:132013-06-20 23:572 months, 5 days, 8 hours and 44 minutes
Deep Core Mining Inc.Deep Core Mining Inc.2013-04-14 21:332013-04-15 15:1317 hours and 40 minutes
JewSwarm FederationJewSwarm Federation2013-04-06 00:512013-04-14 21:338 days, 20 hours and 42 minutes
Deep Core Mining Inc.Deep Core Mining Inc.2013-04-06 00:292013-04-06 00:5122 minutes
Serenity PrimeSerenity Prime2013-03-08 23:552013-04-06 00:2928 days and 34 minutes
Science and Trade InstituteScience and Trade Institute2013-02-03 00:062013-03-08 23:551 month, 5 days, 23 hours and 49 minutes